We are delighted to announce that Blackbird author Susie Kelly is going to be the Patron of the Charroux Literary Festival. Susie is pictured, centre, with Festival organisers Kate Rose and Christine Collette.
The Charroux Literary Festival will take place for the first time in the beautiful medieval town of Charroux in the Vienne region of South West France on the 27,28,29 August 2015. Charroux is based in the southern part of the Vienne region of the Poitou-Charentes. Attracting artists, writers, walkers and people wanting to enjoy the tranquil pleasures of this area, with its splendid Romanesque architecture in the undulating valley of the Charente river.
Speaking from her home in the Vienne Susie says: ‘I am delighted to be the Patron of the Charroux Literary Festival. Living in the area, and writing about it has provided me with a close connection to the place, the people and the culture. Whether your interests lie in fiction, poetry, history or even songwriting, we hope you will find something of interest at this delightful festival in a stunning corner of France.’
Paul Sally, President of the Charroux Tourist Office comments: 'We are very pleased that Susie Kelly has agreed to be the Patron of the first bi-lingual Literary Festival in Charroux, it builds on our joint heritage of art, music and literature.’
The festival will bring together French and English speaking authors and writers. A full programme of events and speakers will be published in the spring of 2015.
Charroux Literary Festival
Founded by Kate Rose and Chris Collette of Verteuil Verse, 2015 will be the first year of the Charroux Literary Festival, bringing together English and French speaking authors and writers.
Susie Kelly
Susie Kelly has lived in the Poitou-Charentes since 1995 and has written five bestselling books about living and travelling in France. Her first two titles, Best Foot Forward and Two Steps Backward, both published by Transworld, sold over 50,000 paperback copies in the UK alone. In 2011, with The Valley of Heaven and Hell – Cycling in the Shadow of Marie Antoinette, Susie switched to digital publisher Blackbird Digital Books, and her international following has been growing steadily ever since. In 2013 her titles achieved the straight flush of #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 on Amazon's French Travel kindle chart. In 2014, her remarkable memoir I Wish I Could Say I Was Sorry became a US Amazon bestseller.
More information on this beautiful, unspoilt region of France: www.charroux.fr
More information on Susie & her books
For more information on the Festival, contact Kate Rose: charrouxlitfest@gmail.com
Fête de littérature à Charroux 2015 –l’auteur Susie Kelly la patronne
L’auteur Susie Kelly qui habite la région est devenu la patronne d’une fête de littérature qui aura lieu fin août 2015 à Charroux (89), une belle ville médiévale. Susie Kelly se prononce :
Tant que j’habite la Vienne, et que j’écris sur la région, je me trouve très proche
de ses personnages et de sa culture. Je suis très heureuse d’être la patronne de cette fête de littérature. Si vous êtes passionnés par les romans, la poésie, l’histoire, même des chansons, vous trouveriez quelque chose que risque de vous intéressiez dans ce beau coin de la France.
Paul Sully, le président de l’office de tourisme de Charroux, s’exprime :
On est très content que Susie Kelly a acceptée d’être la patronne de la
première fête de littérature bilingue de Charroux, une fête qui est fondée sur l’héritage partagé de la France et de la Royaume Uni, de l’art, de la musique et de la littérature
La programme sera publiée en printemps avec la liste des auteurs françaises et britanniques.
Pour Information
Paul Sally +33 (0)549876012 charroux@wanadoo.fr
Chris Collette +33 (0)545300268 charrouxlitfest@gmail.com