Great news for Susie Kelly fans. She has written an account of her unexpected return to Nairobi for the Kenya launch of her new book Safari Ants, Baggy Pants & Elephants, the sequel to her bestselling memoir about growing up in Kenya, I Wish I Could Say I Was Sorry.
International book tours are a rare event these days, and Susie was surprised and over the moon to be finding herself returning to her beloved Kenya at the invitation of As You Like It Safaris and Text Book Centre, Nairobi - Africa's largest chain of bookshops. But this is Susie Kelly, and, although the trip was a huge success, travelling wasn't without its mishaps, even if she did remember her bras this time.
Click the blue button above to download your free copy of Back to Kenya - and this time I remembered my bras.
Click the book cover for more information about Safari Ants, Baggy Pants & Elephants
To see a slideshow of Susie's safari trip, click here.